General informations
The website is published by : Three Digital Dudes / Happy Biz FZE – Ajman UAE.
Registered office :
Three Digital Dudes FZE
Address: B.C. 6010040 Ajman UAE
Licence n°: 29931
Director: Mr Nils Mael Gomez.
The website is hosted by Infomaniak:
Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone number: +41.22.820.35.44
Intellectual property
Copyright, database rights and all other intellectual property rights in the material on the Website (including the organisation and presentation of the Website) and the source code are owned by Happy Biz and their respective authors.
The rights to the trademarks displayed on the Website are, as the case may be, the property of Happy Biz or its partners and customers.
You may use the Happy Biz trademarks and logos. All other elements of the Sites may not be modified, copied, translated, reproduced, sold, published, exploited or distributed without the prior written consent of Happy Biz. Violation of these mandatory provisions shall subject the violator, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided by law.
This Site contains information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by Happy Biz. The content made available on the Site is provided for information purposes only. The existence of a link from this site to another site does not constitute validation of that site or its content. It is the responsibility of the Internet user to use this information with discernment and a critical mind. Happy Biz may not be held liable for any information, opinions or recommendations formulated by third parties.
Companies wishing to set up a link to one of the Happy Biz sites may do so and are invited to do so freely. If you wish to inform us of the creation of a link, please use the contact form, indicating your company name, activity and the URL of the page where the link is to be found.
Protection and collection of personal data
The collection of personal data for the services offered by the site and their processing are carried out in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended and its implementing decrees.
The main purpose of collecting personal data concerning users of the site is to identify users in order to provide the services offered on the site. In application of the law, any person having transmitted personal data has a right of access, rectification and deletion of the data as well as a right to object to the processing of personal data concerning them.
You may ask to exercise this right at any time by contacting . Visitors to the site are informed that for the purposes of browsing the site, Happy Biz may automatically collect certain information about users using cookies. If site users do not wish to use cookies, they may refuse the activation of cookies using the options offered by their Internet browser.
For technical reasons, if the user deactivates cookies in their browser, certain services offered on the site may not be accessible to them.
Contact details
If you have any questions, please contact us using the following details:
Company identification: Three Digital Dudes FZE
Licence No: 29931.
Registered office: B.C 6010040 Ajman.